Customize your Affiliate Registration Form
Solid Affiliate comes with a default affiliate registratin form, but we know that our customers want to customize that form to fit their needs.
Quick Guide – Video Tutorial
In Settings > Customize Registration Form you will find a form builder that allows you to drag, drop, and configure fields to be included on your affiliate registration form.
If you use caching on your site, you may have to clear the cache through your caching plugin or hosting provider before the changes to your affiliate registration form are reflected.
How it Works
Required Fields
There are four required fields that Solid Affiliate always expects to exist on the affiliate registration form. These fields are Username, Account Email, Password, and Accept Policy. Due to how Solid Affiliate uses native WordPress user management, these fields need to be on the form. These fields are marked by * Required and a 🔒. You will not be able to edit or remove these fields, but you can reorder them on the form.
Pre-Built Fields
There are also “pre-built” Solid Affiliate fields such as First Name, Last Name, Payment Email, and Registration Notes. These fields exist natively on your Affiliates and are not “custom”, but you can configure them. The only propertis you cannot change on them are their name and type. These fields are marked by and appear as field inputs in the form builder. You cannot duplicate these fields, but you can remove them.
Text Fields
Each field type you can drag into your form is a specific form field type. However, Text Fields allow for subtypes. These subtypes are text, email, password, and URL, and can be configured by editing the field once it has been dropped into the form.
Checkbox Fields
You can create both single checkbox fields and multi-checkbox fields using the Checkbox Group field type. If you want the form field to be a single checkbox (like the required “Accept Policy” field), then you do not need to add a label or value to the checkbox option as it will be ignored. Single checkbox fields will only display the field level label.
Multi-checkbox fields are Checkbox Group fields that have more than one option, and they will require a label and value for each option.
Options for Select Drop-Downs, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons
Select, Multi-Checkbox, and Radio Group fields all require options. These options cannot be blank and cannot be duplicates of each other. The Options pair represents the label (on the left), and the value (on the right).
Default Fields
If you want to start over while you are building your form, you can press the Reset form to default button and the form will revert to only the four required fields and the four “pre-built” fields.
Affiliates can Edit
The “Affiliates can Edit” configuration determines whether or not your affiliates can uppdate the value of this field when they are logged into the affiliate portal.
Validations and Rules
We want you to customize your affiliate registration form however you like, but there are some limitations (intentionally imposed to guard against bad data). When updating your custom form in the settings, you may see an error that starts with: “An invalid value for the custom registration form configuration was given…” There are various reasons why this could have happened.
Names and Labels are Required – All fields must have a name and label, as this is how the plugin will keep track of the custom fields.
Names and Labels are Unique – The value for a field’s name and label must be unique, otherwise the plugin will not know how to identify the field.
Option Values and Labels – As mentioned above, all values and labels for the options of Select Drop-Down, Multi-Checkbox, or Radio Group fields cannot be empty, and must be unique.
Reserved Names – Certain names are reserved by the Affiliate database table and cannot also be custom fields.
Changing the Type of a Field – You cannot change the type of a form field. Let’s say yoou have a number field named “bank_account_number”, and then you want to change it to a text field. You cannot do so because data from the original custom field will be stored as numbers on your Affiliates. If you try to create a new field with the name “bank_account_number” as type text, it will not update your form. The plugin is built with strict type safety and to ensure bad data does not break your site, we do not allow changing the types of existing form fields.
Malformed Data – It is very unlikely, but possible, that the data that represents your custom form cannot be read properly from your database. Solid Affiliate guards against this, but it is theoretically possible some combination of special characters (something like this: +`?:}}<“|>}?:{:=”\”‘\?{:?{:>{}{)&%’\’\/’\/*) as the value for your label, description, etc. could break your custom form.
Accessing your Custom Data
Every custom field you add to the affiliate registration form will be included on the admin Affiliate new and edit pages, the Affiliate list table, the Affiliate data export to CSV, and the Pay Affiliates CSV. In essence, when you customize your affiliate registration form you are also customizing what data you can store and view on your Affiliates.
Changing your Custom Fields
If you change your custom affiliate registration form, your affiliates wll retain their custom data from the old form, but only fields that are currently set in the custom form will be displayed and exported by the plugin. If you decide to add back a custom field that you removed earlier, and you give it the same name, then that field will again display and export data. This behavior is similar to the mature WordPress plugin Advanced Custom Fields.