

Solid Affiliate's general settings
Last updated on June 27, 2024

Affiliate Portal & Registration

Affiliate Registration

Require Affiliate Registration Approval

Require approval of new Affiliate accounts before they can begin earning referrals. If turned off, Affiliates will be automatically set to Approved upon registration.

Auto Register New Users

Affiliate Portal

Affiliate Portal Shortcode

Use the shortcode [solid_affiliate_portal] to render the Affiliate Portal on a page of your choosing.

Affiliate Portal Page

Select the page which contains the Affiliate Portal shortcode: [solid_affiliate_portal].

Important note: Changing this setting will not add the shortcode to the page, you must do this yourself. This setting is simply so that Solid Affiliate can properly reference the page.

Terms of Use Page

Select the page with contains your Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions. Solid Affiliate will link to this page on Affiliate Registration.

Terms of Use Label

Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions label

Affiliate Portal Forms (Logged Out)

Which forms should the Affiliate Portal display to logged out users.

Required Affiliate Registration Fields

Select the fields which need to be required on the Affiliate Registration Form.

Note : Username, Email, and Password are always required fields.

Logout Link

Show a logout link on the Affiliate Portal.



Integrations – WooCommerce

Always on. Enables the WooCommerce integration. You must have WooCommerce installed and activated.


Enable PayPal Integration

Turn on your PayPal Connection to easily pay your affiliates. You can find generate your API tokens in your PayPal Developer Portal.

PayPal Integration – Enable Live Mode

Use the LIVE PayPal account and credentials. Otherwise, the SANDBOX credentials will be used.

PayPal API Client ID – Live

Sets your PayPal Client ID API Credential used to connect to your PayPal live account.

PayPal API Secret – Live

Sets your PayPal Secret API Credential used to connect to your PayPal live account.

PayPal API Client ID – Sandbox

Sets your PayPal Client ID API Credential used to connect to your PayPal sandbox account.

PayPal API Secret – Sandbox

Sets your PayPal Secret API Credential used to connect to your PayPal sandbox account.


Email General

Email Template

Select an email template which all your outgoing emails will be processed through.

From Name

Customize your email from name. The standard is to use your site name.

From Email

Set the email address which emails will be sent from. This will set the “from” and “reply-to” address.

Email Notifications

Which events should send an automated email.

Affiliate Manager Email

Enter one or more email addresses to receive Affiliate Manager notifications. Seperate multiple email addresses with a space in between.

Affiliate Manager – Registration Notification Email

Email Subject

Enter the subject line for this email.

Email Body

Enter the email to send when a new affiliate registers. HTML is accepted. Available template tags:

  • Affiliate Tags
    • {affiliate_name} – The display name of the Affiliate, as set on the Affiliate’s user profile
    • {affiliate_email} – The email of the Affiliate.
    • {affiliate_payment_email} – The payment email of the Affiliate
    • {affiliate_status} – The current status of the Affiliate
    • {view_affiliate_url} – The URL to view and edit this affiliate within WordPress admin.

Affiliate Manager – Referral Notification Email

Email Subject

Enter the subject line for this email.

Email Body

Enter the email to send when an Affiliate earns a Referral. HTML is accepted. Available template tags:

  • Referral Tags
    • {referral_order_amount} – The total $ amount of the referred order.
    • {referral_commission_amount} – The amount of commission earned for this Referral.
    • {referral_description} – Description of the referred order.
    • {view_referral_url} – The URL to view and edit this Affiliate within WordPress admin.
  • Affiliate Tags
    • {affiliate_name} – The display name of the Affiliate, as set on the Affiliate’s user profile
    • {affiliate_email} – The email of the Affiliate.
    • {affiliate_payment_email} – The payment email of the Affiliate
    • {affiliate_status} – The current status of the Affiliate
    • {view_affiliate_url} – The URL to view and edit this Affiliate within WordPress admin.

Affiliate – Application Accepted Email

Email Subject

Enter the subject line for this email.

Email Body

Enter the email to send to the Affiliate when their status gets updated to Approved. HTML is accepted. Available template tags:

  • Affiliate Tags
    • {affiliate_name} – The display name of the Affiliate, as set on the Affiliate’s user profile
    • {affiliate_email} – The email of the Affiliate.
    • {affiliate_payment_email} – The payment email of the Affiliate
    • {affiliate_status} – The current status of the Affiliate
    • {view_affiliate_url} – The URL to view and edit this Affiliate within WordPress admin.

Affiliate – Referral Notification Email

Email Subject

Enter the subject line for this email.

Email Body

Enter the email to send when an Affiliate earns a Referral. HTML is accepted. Available template tags:

  • Referral Tags
    • {referral_order_amount} – The total $ amount of the referred order.
    • {referral_commission_amount} – The amount of commission earned for this Referral.
    • {referral_description} – Description of the referred order.
    • {view_referral_url} – The URL to view and edit this Affiliate within WordPress admin.
  • Affiliate Tags
    • {affiliate_name} – The display name of the Affiliate, as set on the Affiliate’s user profile
    • {affiliate_email} – The email of the Affiliate.
    • {affiliate_payment_email} – The payment email of the Affiliate
    • {affiliate_status} – The current status of the Affiliate
    • {view_affiliate_url} – The URL to view and edit this Affiliate within WordPress admin.



Reject Unpaid Referrals on Refund

Auto reject Unpaid Referrals when the original purchase is refunded or revoked.

Disable IP Address Logging

Disable IP Address Logging of customers and visitors

Remove Data on Uninstall

Coming Soon. Remove all saved data for Solid Affiliate when the plugin is deleted.


Enable reCAPTCHA

To enhance security and prevent bots, enable Google reCAPTCHA v2 checkbox for all Affiliate Registration form submissions. This feature will effectively validate human users.

  1. Navigate to the Google reCAPTCHA website.
  2. Sign in with your Google account or create a new one if you don’t have.
  3. Register your website/domain to obtain reCAPTCHA keys.
  4. Once registered, you will receive a Site Key and a Secret Key.
  5. Insert the Site Key and Secret Key into the corresponding fields in Solid Affiliate’s settings.

Setup Wizard

Show Setup Wizard

Show the setup wizard in the admin menu. This setting is automatically set to false once the initial setup is complete.

Is Affiliate Portal Setup Complete

Mark whether the Affiliate Portal Setup step is complete. This setting is automatically adjusted by the Setup Wizard, but can also be manually changed here.

Recurring Referrals

Recurring Referrals

Enable Recurring Referrals

Enable Referral tracking for subscription renewal payments. The Affiliate who Referred the initial subscription payment will receive a Referral for every renewal of that subscription.

Recurring Referral Rate

This is the default recurring referral rate, used when calculating referral amounts for subscription purchases and renewals. When Recurring Referral Rate Type is set to ‘Percentage (%)’ this number is interpreted as a percentage. When Recurring Referral Rate Type is set to ‘Flat’ this number is interpreted as the fixed amount of whichever currency you are using. For examples, $10.00 flat.

Recurring Referral Rate Type

Used in conjunction with the Recurring Referral Rate to calculate the default referral amounts for subscription purchases and renewals.



License Key

Please enter and verify your active license key. This is needed for automatic updates and support.

License Key Status

The status of your license key. Can be invalid or valid.

Referral Rate

Referral Rate

This is the default referral rate, used when calculating referral amounts. When Referral Rate Type is set to ‘Percentage (%)’ this number is interpreted as a percentage. When Referral Rate Type is set to ‘Flat’ this number is interpreted as a float amount of whichever currency you are using.

Referral Rate Type

Used in conjunction with the Referral Rate to calculate the default referral amounts.

Other Referral

Referral Variable

This is the URL parameter which will be used when generating links for Affiliates (example:

Note: changing this will break tracking on all previously created links.

Credit Last Affiliate

Currently always enabled. Simply put, if multiple Affiliates send you the same person then the last Affiliate will receive credit for any purchases. Other attribution strategies are coming soon.

Exclude Shipping

When calculating referral amount, exclude shipping costs. (Will result in lower commission payments on items with shipping costs).

Exclude Tax

When calculating referral amount, exclude taxes. (Will result in lower commission payments on taxed items).

New Customer Commissions

This setting ensures that affiliates are only awarded commissions for referring new customers (those making their first-ever purchase from your online store).

Cookie Expiration Days

Expire the referral tracking cookie after this many days.

Referral Grace Period Days

Set the Referrel grace period number of days. This is used by the Pay Affiliates feature to give the convenient option of paying all Referrals which are older than the grace period. Recommended: set this equal to your store refund policy, to minimize the chances of paying an Affiliate for a Referral while you are still liable to issue a refund for the underlying purchase.



The currency code to export for Referral payouts. The pay affiliates tool uses this, and the PayPal Payouts integration is supported. Support for additional currencies coming soon.

Currency Symbol Position

Select the currency symbol postion, before or after the amount.

Currency Decimal Seperator

Customize the symbol used to seperate thousands. It is commonly set to , or .

Currency Decimal Seperator

Customize the symbol used to seperate decimals. It is commonly set to , or .

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